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Copyright Website

Welcome to the nexus of creativity and legality—your premier source for navigating the complex world of copyright. Launched on May Day 1995, the Copyright Website strives to lubricate the machinations of information delivery. As spice is to Dune, information is to the web; the spice must flow. Our mission is to provide the knowledge and tools to help you optimize your own information and creative works.

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What is Copyright?

Here in the information age, virtually all intellectual creations can be protected by some form of intellectual property law. Intellectual property generally divides the universe intellectual creations into three domains:

  • Copyrights
  • Patents
  • Trademarks

In a nutshell, copright protects expression, trademark protects names, and patents protect ideas.

Copyright protects creative expression that has been reduced to tangible form, such as a book, piece of recorded music, computer program, screenplay, painting, photograph, or motion picture.

Trademark protects brand names, literally marking items in trade. The idea behind trademark is to protect the consumer by giving them some confidence that items branded with a certain mark are authentic and come from where they purport to come from.

Patent protects innovation. While you can't copyright an idea, you can patent one. The idea behind patent is to encourage innovation by giving inventors a limited monopoly on their ideas.

Intellectual Property